Ray Hollings

The Dr Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award aims to encourage and support consultant surgeons at Royal North Shore Hospital to undertake quality improvement projects that support innovation and improve service delivery and patient care.

Up to $10,000
will be offered to the successful award recipients

Applicants must:

  • Hold a recognised specialist qualification in Surgery, Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

  • Have a current clinical appointment within Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) and registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 

  • Be affiliated with a surgical department within the Division of Surgery & Anaesthesia 
    Note: this excludes ICU, Anaesthesia, Pain Management and Trauma Services

  • Be an employee of RNSH for a minimum of 12 months at the closing date of the application

Successful award recipients will:

  • Deliver a short presentation at the Dr Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award ceremony to summarise the proposal and impact of the quality improvement project

  • Submit a report (template to be provided) upon project completion or after 12 months (whichever occurs first) to outline the progress of the project, utilisation of funds and whether outcomes have been achieved 

  • Deliver a short presentation at the next annual Dr Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award ceremony summarising the report

  • Agree to participate in any formal recognition events relating to the award as requested by the SERT Institute (e.g. Chief Executive award events, honour board ceremony, multimedia promotion etc)

  • Agree to the publication of any promotional material


  • The award does not support individual or departmental professional development or education programs

  • Applications will only be accepted from surgical consultants

Applications will close at 11:59pm on Monday, 20 January 2025

Please contact the SERT Institute directly if you have any administrative questions or experience any technical difficulties while submitting an application.

Email: [email protected]

To see the full version of the Dr Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award Guidelines, please click here.

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