For an introduction to REDCap, including:
- What is REDCap?
- Why use REDCap?
- How to access REDCap?
Please visit the following document:
For an introduction to REDCap, including: - What is REDCap? - Why use REDCap? - How to access REDCap? Please visit the following page .
There are a number of online tutorials that you can view to learn more about REDCap: REDCap Online Training Videos
Recordings for two training sessions conducted at NSLHD can be accessed at the bottom of this page. If you are interested in more recent training recordings, please contact the NSLHD REDCap Administrator . Training sessions occur on a quarterly schedule which are communicated to users closer to the date. Once logged in, you are also able to access the Help & FAQ section, which can be found at the top of your home page or the bottom left of your project modules. This is regularly updated by REDCap's FAQ Committee. REDCap Help & FAQ
For basic steps on how to create a new project, please visit the following page: How to create a new project Once you have created your project, you will be taken to the project setup page of your project. This page is essentially a checklist for your project. It contains the major settings to customise your project. The following page provides a walk through on the project setup page: Project Setup One of the final steps in the project setup is testing it out prior to collecting real data. Testing involves practising using the project as though you were collecting real data. During testing, you should check that the instruments look and behave as expected. Testing also allows you to test out your intended project workflow and make any adjustments if required. For example, if you are sending out surveys, you can test out the process of distributing your surveys and completing the survey as though you were a participant. Once you have some dummy data, you can have a go at viewing the data and seeing if you can analyse the data in its current format. For more detailed information on what to look out for when testing your project, please consult the following guide: Project Testing Considerations Once you are happy that the project does what you want it to, you can move the project to production mode. This is the final step in the project setup. Production status signals to your project that real data is being collected and additional safeguards are provided to protect your data.
When you're initially building a project, your project begins in development status. In development status, any changes that are made occur instantaneously. As a result, you could inadvertently make a change which results in data loss.
In production status, you can still make changes. Changes can be made by entering 'draft mode'. Once the draft changes are submitted, they will be automatically screened for their effect on existing data. Changes that affect existing data will be automatically flagged to the REDCap Administrator who will double check with you about the changes (if required). Changes that do not affect existing data will be automatically applied once submitted. This ensures that any changes that result in data loss are intentional. For more detailed information on production status, please visit the following page: Production Status
Surveys For a guide on navigating the various survey functions of REDCap, please have a look at the attached document. Surveys are explored in greater detail in the Intermediate training session recording at the bottom of the page
Step by step guide to creating a basic project to send a survey
The following guide has been created for users who are primarily interested in using REDCap to send a survey. Step by step instructions are provided on how to go about creating a project for the primary purpose of surveying.
General Survey Guide This page provides a FAQ guide on navigating the various survey features in REDCap. Survey Training Session Recording The following intermediate training session included a strong focus on surveys. More details of the session can be found with the recording . Tool for Designing and Distributing Surveys This tool guides you through how to setup a survey and the best method to distribute a survey based on a series of questions on how you wish to distribute the survey.
ReportsThis pdf guide provides a quick run through on: - the REDCap reporting module - project design considerations when it comes to reporting, especially when using repeat data collection - project dashboards and how it can potentially be used to visualise data using smart functions, tables and charts - data importing and how you can potentially create a template for importing using custom reports
If you are interested in a hands on training task involving the data dictionary, data import tool, reports and dashboards you can visit the training page below. The training involves a range of tasks including creating a project using the data dictionary functionality, importing data into REDCap via an excel file and creating various reports and dashboards. REDCap Data Importing/ Reporting Training
Piping allows you to inject previously collected data elsewhere in your project. ie. make data you have collected appear elsewhere in your project.
Example uses of piping: - creating various outputs such as summaries of collected data - personalising questions by using answers from previous questions - referencing previously collected data in linked questions - personalising survey invitations - creating custom labels for records, repeating instruments or longitudinal events
More information on piping can be found here . The following resource provides more examples of piping in action:Piping demo
Action tags are an excellent way to customise the data entry entry experience. Adding action tags to fields can perform various actions such as enforcing character or word limits, automatically populating data (via setvalue or default action tags) or modifying fields so they are hidden or read-only. More information on action tags can be found here .
The following resource provides various examples of action tags. In doing so, piping is also introduced: Action tags + Piping Demo
There are a range of calculations that can be used in REDCap.
If the desired answer is numeric, the calculation can be implemented in a calculated field type.
If the desired answer is not numeric, the calculation can be inserted in brackets after an @CALCTEXT action tag in a text box field type: A list of Special Functions can be accessed on the following page .
Date Calculation Builder This resource assists with building two calculations related to dates: 1. The time between two datesCalculated fields can be created in your project. A commonly used calculation is a 'datediff' calculation to calculate the time between two dates.
2. A new date based on existing datesCalculated fields can only produce numerical answers. To calculate dates you can utilise an action tag as shown in the 2nd part of this resource.
Field embedding allows you to re-position fields on a survey or data entry page. This allows custom formatting to be produced such as replicating the formatting of paper based forms to capture data in table formats or placing linked questions next to each other.
More information on field embedding can be found here .
The resource below provides explanations of various field embedding examples that are utilised in the project template: Field Embedding Example Project.Field Embedding
Smart Variables are special variables that allows you to reference information other than data fields. They are context aware and able to adapt to many different situations.
For example, smart variables can provide URL's or links to particular surveys/instruments. Two of the most common smart variables are those found in the default survey invitation message, where [ survey-link] and [ survey-url] are utilised (spaces have been added after the [ to display the smart variable on this page, since this information is inside a REDCap project). When the emails are sent, these smart variables are replaced by the relevant link and url.
Smart variables can also be used to recognise the current user's username or even the current event or instance of an instrument. Smart variables can reference context specific events or instances, such as the previous, current, first or last event/instance. For example, if you were utilising a survey in a longitudinal project but had a field that you only wanted to appear in a specific event, you could use branching logic such as [ event-name]='name of event' (where the 'name of event' would be the name of the relevant event you wanted the field to appear in).
More information on smart variables can be found here .
The resource below explores smart variables in more detail by providing various examples.Smart Variables
Example uses of smart variables:
Referencing context specific repeating instances or longitudinal events.This can be useful in a variety of applications such as branching logic, calculations or piping. You can reference the previous (______), current (______), next (______), first (______) or last (______) instance of a variable by placing the relevant smart variable after the variable name. For example, the last instance of a variable named date can be referenced by placing ______ after the variable, eg. ______. Similarly for longitudinal projects, you can refer to the previous (______), current (event_1_arm_1), next (______), first (event_1_arm_1), or last event (event_1_arm_1), by placing the smart variable in front of the variable name eg. ______ ) for the date in the last event.
Make fields appear in certain contexts via branching logic.For example, using the previous smart variables, you could make a field appear in the first instance of a repeating form by including the branching logic ______='1' . Similarly, there are smart variables which reference usernames ([survey respondent]), user dag's (______) or user roles (______) allowing you to make fields appear for specific users or users in specific dag's or roles. For example, if your username was 'username' you could include branching logic such as [survey respondent]='username' for it to only appear when you're viewing the project. Create various smart functions, smart tables and smart charts. On average, REDCap will have planned downtime every 3 months to upgrade and take advantage of new features that are released. Details of new features can be found here . Recent upgrade log:26/9/24: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V14.6.9. 13/6/24: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V14.3.13. 1/3/24: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V14.0.0. 23/11/23: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.11.4. 24/8/23: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.9.0. 1/6/23: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.6.0. 16/3/23: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.4.0. 2/3/23: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.3.2. 24/11/22: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V13.0.0. 25/8/22: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V12.5.6. 26/5/22: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V12.4.0. 24/2/22: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V12.2.4. 4/11/21: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V11.4.2. 3/9/21: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V 11.3.0. 7/5/21: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V11.0.0. 4/2/21: NSLHD REDCap upgraded to V10.8.0. (More details of the V10.8.0 upgrade can be found here. Features in this upgrade include new action tags: @INLINE, @PREFILL, @CALCDATE, @CALCTEXT and the piping options :LINK and :INLINE.)
Newsletters are sent between upgrades as a way of informing users about changes to the NSLHD REDCap and providing a quick overview of various features in REDCap. These newsletters include feature projects and examples of lesser known REDCap features. Previous newsletters can be found here .
Newsletter 2
Instrument Zip example download
Online REDCap Training/ Information Sessions are provided on a 3 monthly schedule. As part of the schedule, Introduction to REDCap (REDCap 101) is offered every 3 months for new users (all users are welcome to attend). In conjunction with REDCap 101, at least one other intermediate session is usually run. Past Intermediate sessions include Intermediate REDCap (REDCap 201), Surveys 101 or REDCap by request. Below are earlier recordings of two of the training sessions. These are earlier versions of the Introductory and Intermediate Sessions, which now have slightly different agendas. If you would like more specific training or access to more recent recordings, please complete the form at the bottom of this page or contact the NSLHD REDCap Administrator.
Upcoming training sessions can be found on the banner in the homepage closer to the date.
Introduction to REDCap
For an Introductory presentation looking at the NSLHD REDCap, please see the video below.
Introductory presentation conducted on 10/03/2021 looking at an overview into: -what REDCap is (timestamp: 0:00) -why you should use REDCap (timestamp: 3:20) - how to go about making a project (this includes a demonstration on how to create and test a project, timestamp: 15:50). 5 minutes were allocated to questions which involved a quick discussion on automating survey invitations at certain timepoints and distributing a link for a survey (timestamp: 51:06), which will be explored in more advanced sessions.
Unfortunately forgot to record the first couple of slides, which were an overview of the session and introduction to REDCap: REDCap is a web based data collection tool, the NSLHD REDCap can be accessed at . Example uses include creating surveys, operational support, quality improvement or research projects.
Intermediate Training Session
For a presentation exploring surveys and project setups involving longitudinal designs or repeating instruments, please see the following recording of the Intermediate Training session conducted via Zoom on 31/3/2021 @10:30am-11:30am. The session focused on two key areas: surveys and projects utilising longitudinal setups or repeating instruments. In exploring surveys (ie. what are surveys, how to enable surveys and different methods of distributing surveys), the piping feature was discussed as well as data importing via the import tool. 1:00- What is a survey? 4:30- What is piping? 7:55- Setting up a survey 15:54- Different methods of distributing the survey: Method 1- Public Survey Link 20:23- Different methods of distributing the survey: Method 2- Survey Participant List 27:40- Different methods of distributing the survey: Method 3- Existing Records 33:04- Data import 41:46- Automatic Survey Invitations 45:30- Longitudinal and Repeating Instruments/ Events introduction 46:18- Longitudinal Projects 53:26- Repeating Instruments 55:35- Questions Slides can be accessed here Majority of the presentation was demonstrations, for more informative slides on the surveys aspect please see the surveys document under Additional Resources.
To register your interest for future REDCap training sessions and request specific topics please complete the following form
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To reset your password, please go to the following link
REDCap Password Recovery
If you are unable to reset your password via the link, using the email attached to your account, please email [email protected] or [email protected] or complete the information below so we are able to verify that it is you and an email will be sent to the email attached to your REDCap account.
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If you have any questions, please contact the REDCap Administrator:
[email protected]
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